


  • 1. notice sensory cues 关注感官线索
  • feel pulled to particular sensory details automatically aware of where you and things are in physical space notice relevant facts in a sea of data before you
  • • 关注特定的感官细节(视、听、触、嗅等) ,会自觉意识到自身所处的空间方位或其他物件的空间方位,能在海量的数据中觉察到相互有关联的事实存在
  • 2. enjoy impulsive action 热衷于即兴行为
  • freely follow exciting physical impulses or instincts as they come up enjoy the thrill of action and physical experience in the present moment easily get in synch physically with people and things around you
  • • 能轻松自如地顺从任何时候产生的生理冲动或本能,能立即享受到身体运动经验而带来的舒适感,可以轻易地配合他人或物件运动,进行协调联动
  • 3. engage local context 融于周边环境
  • learn all the options and activities available in your local environment do a variety of hands-on activity most days going at an easy-going pace become totally absorbed as you move, touch and sense what's around
  • • 一切有用的知识和技能都从自身周边可触知的环境中学得,几乎每天都会不紧不慢地做一些需要亲自动手去完成的活动,感知(视、听、触、嗅等)周边的事物时, 时而会完全沉浸其中,忘乎所以
  • 4. seize immediate options 行动很迅速
  • quickly move to take actions to get some kind of immediate result instantly read the cues to see just how far you can go effortlessly vary actions to test the limits of what you can get away with
  • • 快速采取行动,以得到立竿见影的效果,迅速检查可用的线索, 判断自己能在多大程度上解决问题,能根据时机随意改变行动, 尝试尽可能将收获/"战果"最大化
  • 5. sustain impactful style 个性很鲜明
  • set up people's responses and finesse an effect that makes an impact impress by doing actions with uncanny skill to exceed limits and expectations pull off results and get action simply by making a presence
  • • 总有些鬼点子能产生极其震撼的效果,吸引到别人的回应。采取行动中会采用不循常规的技巧来取得超出预期的惊人效果,有时候会仅仅为了装逼而玩命地去完成一件事情
  • 6. notice detailed data 敏感于细节数据
  • collect detailed information recognize familiar subtle sensory elements (specific aromas, spellings, etc) feel pulled to halt something new to your experience
  • • 习惯于收集细节信息, 能识别出十分细微的感知对象, 比如某种特殊的气味, 某种拼写方式等。强迫自己尝试不同经历的冲动
  • 7. trust common experience 相信大众常识
  • feel energized by participating in traditions or other customary activities follow the work, ideas and example of others who have come before you fulfill the same regular work or activity everyday at an even steady pace
  • • 在参与传统的惯例性活动时能感到身心放松,体能恢复, 自然地遵循前人的想法、范例来办事。 习惯于每天都以稳定的节奏进行常规性的工作/活动
  • 8. use careful comparisons 对细节魔鬼般的敏锐
  • recall with accurate detail how something was like before point out discrepancies from how things have always been compared to now notice if something before you matches the expected details
  • • 能以精确的细节信息回忆起事/物在过去的情形/形态,能指出以往比较事物的方式和现在比较事物方式之间的差异,当面前的某物在特定细节要求上与预期相匹配时, 能敏感地觉察到这一点
  • 9. create reliable foundation 善于总结经验教训
  • gather lots of information over time to confirm a set standard review the past to draw on the lessons of history, hindsight and experience compare data against a storehouse of what is known to find what's reliable
  • • 会长期收集大量信息来肯定/确认某个既有标准是否正确,通过回顾历史经验,从中总结教训, 得出"后见之明"的结论,将信息/数据和自身已有的知识经验储备相比, 从中提取自己认为"可信赖"的成分
  • 10. sustain ageless custom 坚持传统, 不管它是否与时俱进
  • patiently shepherd others to their roles as they navigate life events new to them sustain civilization and protect what's known and long-lasting support and maintain institutions even while what is reliable changes
  • • 有耐心地指导别人,培养别人去适应其"应该"成为的社会角色, 让别人去处理生活中以前未遇到过的"新"问题, 坚持文明修养, 保护已知和长久存在的事物,支持并维护传统惯例和旧制度, 即使它已经明显变得不可信赖了
  • 11. notice sequential order 关注事物的因果顺序
  • notice when something is not functioning right usually know the time or which step you are at when doing a task follow a straight line of reasoning
  • • 在事物运行不正常时, 能敏感觉察到这一点,做任务时能准确把握自己还有多少时间,现在做到了哪一步,采用直线推理的逻辑方式
  • 12.trust empirical thinking 相信实证思维
  • conform thinking to what is observed as measurable fact challenge someone’s thinking based on the logic clearly before you two lay out reasonable explanations for decisions or conclusions made
  • • 只思考可观测、可度量的现实事物。辩驳对方的思想时, 用的是双方都明了的逻辑,能为自己的决定/结论给出合乎逻辑的解释
  • 13.use control method 理性/善于控制情绪
  • sequence actions and organize time for optimal efficiency control impulses and compartmentalize personal feelings and emotional reactions structure and organize data and ideas in an easy-to-follow format
  • • 采用"理性制衡情绪", 为取得最优效率而规划最优的时间分配压制冲动行为, 能够保持情绪稳定,不会轻易受到外界环境的影响,也不会轻易表现出强烈的情绪反应。能够冷静地面对问题,不会被情绪所左右,从而更好地处理各种挑战和压力。
  • 14.goal oriented 目标/结果导向
  • will be oriented towards achieving goals, setting clear goals and taking effective measures to achieve them. They usually choose people, things, and actions that can achieve their goals, rather than just those that make them feel good or align with their personal interests and values.
  • • 会以实现目标为导向,会设定明确的目标,并采取有效的措施来达到这些目标。他们通常会选择那些能够实现目标的人、事物和行动,而不是那些仅仅让他们感觉良好或者符合他们的个人兴趣和价值观的人、事物和行动。
  • 15.objectivity 客观性
  • view the world and themselves in an objective way, emphasizing facts and logic rather than emotions and emotional reactions. They usually approach problems in a practical and effective way, rather than in an emotional or subjective way.
  • • 以客观的方式看待世界和自己,他们强调事实和逻辑,而不是情感和情感反应。他们通常会以一种实用和有效的方式来处理问题,而不是以一种情感或者主观的方式来处理问题。
  • 16.notice logical category 关注逻辑
  • recognize a logical deduction correctly classify or fit data according to a definition or model notice logical inconsistencies in statements
  • • 善于识别演绎推理,能正确依据定义和模型归类/匹配信息和数据,能觉察出有关陈述中的逻辑混乱
  • 17.value critical thinking 重视辩证思考
  • evaluate the likely accuracy of what's observed according to a model focus on finding just the exact right words to say something accurately analyze and critique to eliminate what doesn't fit with a principle
  • • 依据模型,以粗略的精确度来估测事/物的特征。会集中精力寻找一个能恰好精确表述某项含义的合适措辞。会分析和批判, 以清除/否定不符合某项原理的事物
  • 18.use problem solving 采用"解题"模式
  • get energized analyzing challenging problems or technical puzzles tinker with a specific problem by trying a general approach or principle take apart something to figure out the principles on which it works
  • • 在分析有挑战性的难题或技术难关时倍感精力充沛,倾向尝试寻找"通用方法"解决具体的问题,将事/物拆分, 以弄清楚其中运作的原理是什么
  • 19.Critical 批判性思维
  • having critical thinking, they conduct in-depth review and evaluation of information, viewpoints, and beliefs. They focus on reasoning and analysis, and strive to maintain their independent judgment ability.
  • • 具有批判性思维,会对信息、观点和信仰进行深入的审查和评估。他们注重推理和分析,并努力保持自己的独立判断能力。
  • 20.sustain ruling principles 坚持底层逻辑思维
  • continually try many angles at once as you attack and engage a problem easily reference multiple frameworks at once while problem solving maintain consistency with a ruling principle over a long period of time
  • • 能同时从很多不同的角度来思考解决某个问题的方法,思考问题时能随意地同时参考多个不同领域中的信息/知识,会在长时间内采用一条基础性的原则,作为所有思路的基点, 来保持思维的连贯和一致
  • 21. feel others need 感受他人需要
  • feel pulled to be responsible and take care of others’ feelings empathize with what someone says (how much it means to them) take on what someone is feeling or thinking as if you are them
  • • 自然而然地在心中生出某种责任感, 感到自己应该照顾别人的感受。因他人说的话, 比如"某事情对他们多么重要", 而在心中引起同感,开怀接纳他人的感受, 又能设身处地为别人考虑
  • 22. trust shared values 喜欢和朋友分享交流,倾向"分享"的价值观
  • prefer to self-disclose how you feel inside, your values, and issues you have recognize and adhere to shared values, feelings and social norms to get along feel affected by others' opinions of you, particularly those you admire and respect
  • • 倾向于分享自己的感受, 价值取向和经历(过)的事情。会受到他人对自己评价的影响, 尤其是自己仰慕和崇敬之人的评价
  • 23. use social connection 以社交联络感情,是朋友圈里的活跃人物
  • make people feel comfortable by engaging in hosting and care-taking give the deserved praise, warmth and respect to people's feelings and opinions reciprocate appreciation and honor the support others give you
  • • 以宾主之仪对客人进行关怀体贴, 让别人感到很舒适。对他人的感受和看法表示出应有的赞扬, 关怀和尊重他人,会积极回应他人的称赞, 对他人给予的支持表示敬意和感谢
  • 24. make intimate commitments 展现亲密联系
  • merge and feel intimate oneness with others easily take on someone else's needs and values with a commitment as one's own guide social give-and-take to make people feel a certain way
  • • 在情感上能和别人融为一体, 让人感觉亲密无间。能十分轻易地将别人的需求和价值观念转移到自己身上, 就好像自己真的也这么想似的,会引导并实践"平等交换, 互谅互让"的社交习俗, 以期让大家都觉得这就是理所应当的做法
  • 25. sustain communal spirit 四海之内皆兄弟
  • spread values as a worthy ethical role-model people respect and admire easily communicate personally to all persons in a group to feel together as one form intimate connections with many people to meet their needs
  • • 像一位受敬仰的道德模范一样传播自己的价值观。能容易地和群体中的任何人进行个人交流, 感觉亲如一家似的。为满足别人的需要, 能同时和很多人建立起亲密的联系
  • 26. feel gut reaction 善恶分明
  • feel strongly that something is good or bad recognize what you want, what motivates you, or how you feel inside detect if someone’s behavior is authentic or phony
  • • 强烈感受到某事是"善"还是"恶"。 当一个人怀有虚伪或不真诚的动机时, 能觉察出来
  • 27. trust personal beliefs 忠于个人内心价值观
  • follow absolute ideals, a specific belief system, or empowering identity loyally stick with your “group” (whatever that may be) stay always true to what you want for yourself or others
  • • 会遵从某个绝对化的理想和个人价值观体系。忠诚支持并跟随其所属的"群体",。对自己和对他人的欲求/期望都十分真诚, 始终如一
  • 28.Needs identification and emotional resonance 需要情感共鸣
  • Very concerned about gaining recognition and emotional resonance from others. They tend to establish deep relationships with people who can understand their emotions and needs.
  • • 非常在意得到他人的认同和情感共鸣。他们倾向于与那些能够理解自己情感和需求的人建立深入的关系。
  • 29.Strong focus on personal feelings 强烈关注自我感受
  • attach great importance to my emotions and inner experiences. They are very sensitive to their own feelings and are good at understanding and analyzing their emotions.
  • • 非常重视自己的情感和内心体验。对自己的感受十分敏感,并善于理解和分析自己的情感。
  • 30.sustain human balance 保持人性平衡和人文关怀理念
  • continually weigh the situational worth or importance of everything patiently keep balancing the core issues of peace and conflict in life's situations sustain a life of faith in a universal spirit of compassion and community
  • • 不断衡量一切东西对于情境的价值,耐心在各种生活处境中平衡安宁与冲突的因素。保持一种以普世意义的公益心+慈善心作为自身的信仰
  • 31.notice hidden meaning 关注“事物背后的意义”
  • perceive moments of synchronicity or convergence understand metaphors or analogies that explain ideas experience a strange "knowing" or magical moment
  • • 能"感知"到共时的瞬间。能明白用来解释某个观点的类比和隐喻。会经历某种莫名其妙的"知道"或其它奇特的时刻
  • 32. enjoy imaginative links 很享受天马行空的自由联想
  • appreciate brainstorming and trust what emerges float various potential, unrelated ideas just to see where they might lead pluck an idea from the invisible flow of ideas drifting in the air
  • • 看重自由辩论, 也相信自由辩论中得出的结论。会将各种毫不关联的想法联系起来, 就为了看看最后能组合出什么。能随意从一串想法中抽取某一个观点
  • 33. engage creative flow 捕捉创意意识流
  • follow potential possibilities as they emerge in the moment juggle many tangential thoughts and abstractions at once without focusing on one perceive endless potential meanings from threads of ideas
  • • 有立即实践随时想到的可能性冲动。任思维在许多无形的观念、抽象的想法之间来回跳跃, 而不聚焦于其中的某一个。能从一串想法中"感知"出几乎无限多可能的涵义
  • 34. Focus on the possibilities of the future 关注未来的可能性
  • Focusing on the possibilities of the future, they are good at imagining and predicting future trends and changes, and can flexibly adjust their actions and thinking to adapt to constantly changing environments.
  • • 关注未来的可能性,善于想象和预测未来的趋势和变化,并能够灵活地调整自己的行动和思维以适应不断变化的环境。
  • 35. Rich in innovation 富有创新性
  • rich in innovation and imagination, they are able to generate new ideas and creativity, and can flexibly solve various problems.
  • • 富有创新性和想象力,他们能够产生新的想法和创意,并能够灵活地解决各种问题。
  • 36. have sudden realization 顿悟
  • experience a premonition or foresee the unexpected feel pulled to the symbolic, archetypal or mysterious suddenly realize an "ah ha!" answer out of nowhere
  • • 体验过对于预期之外事情的预先感知,强迫感知有关"原型"或有神秘色彩的东西吸引力。会毫无征兆地凭空就"顿悟"出了某件事的答案
  • 37. depth and foresight 有深度和远见
  • have a good understanding and insight into the deeper and broader directions of things. They are often able to discern the essence and patterns hidden beneath the surface, in order to better guide their behavior and decision-making.
  • • 对于事物的深层次和远大的方向有很好的理解和洞察。常常能够看出隐藏在表面之下的本质和规律,从而更好地指导自己的行为和决策。
  • 38. use magical guide 奇幻的精神向导
  • rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten or transform gain a profound realization from a mystical state or catharsis layout how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs
  • • 会依赖于直觉为进行预测,、灵启或转变。 能从精神净化或某种神秘状态中获得深邃的领悟。会依据不可见的趋势或预兆来展现"未来会发生什么"
  • 39. Having a unique intuition about the future 对于未来有一种独特的直觉
  • concerned about the possibility of the future and often able to predict what may happen in the future. They have a unique intuition about the future and are usually able to view problems from a future perspective
  • • 非常关注未来的可能性,并常常能够预测到未来可能发生的事情。他们对于未来有一种独特的直觉,而且通常能够从未来的角度来看待问题。
  • 40. A strong inner world 强烈的内心世界而非世俗功利
  • have a very strong inner world and enjoy deep thinking and exploring their thoughts and emotions. They usually focus more on their internal experiences rather than external material and achievements
  • • 有着非常强烈的内心世界,他们喜欢深入思考和探索自己的思想和情感。他们通常更关注自己的内在体验,而不是外在的物质和成就。
  • 41. quickly establish social relationships 快速建立起社交关系
  • very good at communicating and expressing my opinions with others. They are able to easily establish connections with strangers, break the tension, and quickly establish social relationships.
  • • 非常善于与他人交流和表达自己的意见。他们能够自如地与陌生人建立联系,打破紧张气氛,快速建立起社交关系。。
  • 42. Positive and enthusiastic 积极热情
  • enthusiastic, they have a positive attitude and enthusiasm towards life and interpersonal interactions, and can bring positive impacts to those around them.
  • • 非常热情,他们对生活和与人交往充满积极的态度和热情,能够带给周围的人积极的影响。
  • 43. open mindset 开放的状态
  • They have an open mindset, are willing to try new things, accept different perspectives and cultures, and are able to establish connections with various types of people.
  • • 具有开放的心态,他们愿意尝试新的事物,接受不同的观点和文化,并且能够与各种类型的人建立联系。
  • 44. enjoy communicating with others 享受与人交流的快感
  • enjoy communicating with others, are good at expressing their opinions and emotions, and enjoy listening to others' thoughts and experiences. They usually take the initiative to communicate with others and are able to find common ground in communication
  • • 喜欢与他人交流,他们善于表达自己的观点和情感,并且喜欢听取他人的想法和经历。他们通常会主动与他人交流,并能够在交流中找到共同点。
  • 45. very confident 非常自信
  • Usually very confident, they are able to communicate freely with others and are not afraid to showcase their viewpoints and personalities in social situations.
  • • 通常非常自信,他们能够自如地与他人交流,不害怕在社交场合中展现自己的观点和个性。
  • 46. avoid social occasions 尽可能地避免社交场合
  • usually try to avoid social occasions as much as possible, such as attending parties, talking to strangers, or expressing ourselves in public. They may feel uneasy and anxious, fearful or uneasy about communicating with strangers or expressing themselves in crowded places.
  • • 通常会尽可能地避免社交场合,比如参加聚会、与陌生人交谈或者在公共场合表现自己。他们可能会感到不安和焦虑,对于与陌生人交流或者在人多的地方表现自己感到害怕或不安。
  • 47. Lack of confidence 缺乏自信
  • Lack of confidence, they may feel that they are not good at socializing and do not know how to express themselves in social situations. They may feel nervous and uneasy in social situations, worried about their performance not being good enough or being evaluated by others.
  • • 缺乏自信,他们可能觉得自己不擅长社交,也不懂得如何在社交场合中表现自己。他们可能会在社交场合感到紧张和不安,担心自己的表现不够好或者被别人评价。
  • 48. prefer to be alone 更喜欢独处
  • They prefer to be alone and may feel that communicating with others can make them feel tired and uneasy. They enjoy being alone more and enjoy quietly contemplating their inner world.
  • • 更喜欢独处,他们可能觉得与他人交流会让他们感到疲惫和不安。他们更享受独自一人的时间,喜欢静静地思考自己的内心世界。
  • 49. feel anxious about being evaluated by others 过分在意他人评价而焦虑
  • Often feel anxious about social occasions, and they may feel anxious and uneasy before or after the social occasion. They may be worried about their performance not being good enough or being evaluated by others, and this anxiety may affect their social skills
  • • 往往对社交场合感到焦虑,他们可能会在社交场合之前或之后感到焦虑和不安。他们可能担心自己的表现不够好或者被别人评价,这种焦虑感可能会影响他们的社交能力。
  • 50. introverted social anxiety 社恐
  • often have a low evaluation of their social skills, and they may think that they are not good at socializing and do not know how to express themselves in social situations. This low self-evaluation may make them more fearful and anxious, further exacerbating their symptoms of introverted social anxiety.
  • • 往往对自己的社交能力评价很低,他们可能认为自己不擅长社交,也不懂得如何在社交场合中表现自己。这种自我评价低可能会让他们更加害怕和不安,从而进一步加剧了他们的内向社恐症状。
  • 51. Casualness, laziness, and contentment in any situation 随性,慵懒,随遇而安
  • Being in a state of casualness, laziness, and contentment in any situation.
  • • 往往不会过分拘泥于时间表或严格的日程安排。他们更倾向于顺其自然,按照自己的节奏生活。
  • 52. feeling and experiencing without liking to draw conclusions 习惯不断地去感受和体验而不喜欢下结论
  • People who are not in a hurry to draw conclusions may be more adaptable and flexible when facing new situations. They are able to adjust their understanding and behavior based on new information and experience.
  • • 不急于下结论,在面对新情况时可能更加适应和灵活,随时根据新的信息和经验调整自己的理解和行为。
  • 53. generate some new ideas every moment 似乎每一刻都可以产生一些新的思路,心门大开
  • Continuously interested in new information, ideas, and experiences, and willing to accept them.
  • • 对新的信息、想法和体验持续感兴趣,而且愿意接纳它们。
  • 54. Adapting to survive in a disordered environment may be my strength 在无序的环境中变通地求生存可能是我的强项
  • Capable of quickly adapting to constantly changing environments
  • • 能够迅速适应不断变化的环境。
  • 55. unruly 不喜欢按常理出牌
  • When dealing with problems, one's thinking is flexible, able to adapt to various situations, and find the most suitable coping strategies.
  • • 在处理问题时,思维灵活,能够适应各种情况,找到最合适的应对策略。
  • 56. organization and regularity 喜欢条理性,规律性,不喜欢变来变去
  • Likes predictable things, which can reduce uncertainty and potential risks.
  • • 喜欢可以预测的事物,这样可以减少不确定性和潜在的风险。
  • 57. clear schedule 习惯有一个明确的计划表
  • Tends to seek a stable environment and lifestyle, dislikes frequent changes.
  • • 倾向于寻求稳定的环境和生活方式,不喜欢频繁的变动。
  • 58. Feeling at a loss when facing a chaotic environment 面对杂乱无章的环境时,感到无所适从
  • Lack of adaptability may lead to confusion in unpredictable or urgent situations.
  • • 缺少随机应变的能力可能会导致在不可预测或紧急的情况下感到困扰。
  • 59. not being flexible enough 常被朋友评价不够灵活
  • When interacting or dealing with problems in daily life, you may tend to stick to your own way rather than making adjustments based on changing circumstances
  • • 日常互动或处理问题时,倾向于坚持自己的方式,而不是根据情况变化作出调整。
  • 60. feel more about stability 对于一成不变的生活,感到更多的是稳定,而不是索然寡味和枯燥
  • For a life that remains unchanged, I feel more about stability rather than being dull and boring.
  • • 稳定性意味着安全感、可预测性和控制感。